Three years ago today, I made the decision to become an Entrepreneur. They say owning a business is hard, and you’ve succeeded if you’ve made it past three years. Without a doubt this is the most underestimated statement. Most of you only see my company’s marketing and the smile that crosses my face when you ask me “How’s Business?” What you don’t see are the blood, sweat, tears and sacrifices I’ve made. The late nights I’ve spent handling bookkeeping, taxes, marketing, managing a team, handling a full clientele and maintaining a clean studio. Sometimes I feel like it’s borderline impossible.. but if you asked me if i’d do it all again, my answer would be “Absolutely!”
Being an Entrepreneur has brought so many amazing people in my life. Clients have become lifetime friends. Women who have become mentors, have pushed me out of my comfort zone to reach new levels of success I didn’t think were achievable. My colleagues and other artists I’ve met from around the world are now part of the family.
Looking back, these past three years have brought some of the best experiences of my life. I have traveled overseas, putting my education first. I have competed in Global Championships with some of the top artists’ from around the world. I have created a name for myself as one of the Leading Permanent Makeup Artists and Educators here in Western New York. But most importantly, I have created a company in which our sole mission is to empower women and to make them feel more confident in their own skin.
I want to thank everyone who has supported me and Taylor’d Beauty. Thank you to my clients who have stuck with me since I first opened in a small room out of my home. Thank you to my family and friends who have wiped away the tears from my eyes and believed in me. Thank you to my mentors, who have taken me under their wing.
Our growth at Taylor’d Beauty has happened so fast, sometimes I felt like my own emotions couldn’t keep up with it. But let me tell you, it’s only just started. I have so many ideas for Taylor’d Beauty and I’m excited to share them with all of you. The best is yet to come!